Easter Greetings, as we mark the Octave Day of Easter. We are very grateful as a parish for the beautiful Holy Week we have just lived. We had wonderful participation at all of the services from you, the lay faithful. I am particularly grateful to the individuals from our Parish Staff, our musicians, our sacristans and altar servers. I want to make mention especially of our Parish Music Director Bobbie Hoffmann who put together, once again, such a high quality music program and directed its performance with her team of professional guest musicians. Also, I want to acknowledge the work of parishioner Tyler Molisse in making preparations for and then also acting as Master of Ceremonies for the more complicated Offices of Holy Week, according to the form in general use in the Church through 1954.
If you visit our Parish website you will see some beautiful photo galleries of our 2023 Holy Week. These photos were taken by our parishioner Sarah Custodio
who manages our web-page and who puts her talent for photography generously at the service of the parish in the recording of our parish life. I also put some photos from Palm Sunday on Page 8 by our Latin Mass Children’s Catechism Director Patti Strom. Deo gratias!
Mary Immaculate of Lourdes is Newton and Needham Massachusetts' oldest Roman Catholic Parish. Founded as Saint Mary Parish in 1870, it was renamed "Mary Immaculate of Lourdes" when the new Church was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, 1910. In addition to being a regular territorial parish of the Archdiocese of Boston it is also a "Mission Parish" since 2007 with a special apostolate for the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal).
Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church
270 Elliot Street
Newton, MA 02464
Copyright © 2025 Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Parish. All Rights Reserved.