At the end of our last Conference, we saw Charlemagne consecrated as “first champion” of the Catholic Church on Easter Day, 774 A.D. there at Rome, where he had delivered Pope Adrian and the Patrimony of Peter from the menace of the King of the Lombards. He had not used his immense military power to conquer Rome nor to make the Pope submit to him: rather he had made himself and his mighty force the sword and shield of the Church, ready to protect her against aggressors of any kind. Moreover, he had made himself the protector of the Roman Pontiff, as a loyal son of the Church.
After his consecration in Rome, for the next twenty years, Charlemagne’s life was one of continuous warfare. There were 53 distinct military campaigns, almost all of them in connection with his role as wielding the royal defensive sword on behalf of the Catholic Church. There were 18 campaigns against the heathen Saxons in Germany, who were trying to eradicate Christianity with violent attacks. It was not until 785 that Wittekind, the Saxon warrior-chief, acknowledged, in his utter defeat, that the God of the Christians was stronger than his god Odin. He submitted at last to Baptism, and it was Charlemagne who stood as his godfather.
In our very first Conference, we recounted Charlemagne’s siege of Mirambel Castle in the Pyrenees and the submission of the Muslim commander Mirat, who took the baptismal name Lorus, from which derives the town-name “Lourdes”. This was in the year 778, when Charlemagne had launched a campaign against the Muslim rulers of Spain.
During this campaign there occurred the ambush of the Franks at the Pass of Roncesvalles (Roncevaux) where Roland blew his horn to summon Charlemagne and the rest of the army to their rescue, even as they were fighting valiantly to their death. This is the inspiration for the famous medieval epic poem, the “Chanson de Roland” (the “Song of Roland).
On Christmas Day, 795, Pope Adrian I died, a man whom Charlemagne had revered as a spiritual father. The next day, December 26th, St. Stephen’s Day, on the very day in which Pope Adrian was buried, his successor was elected as Leo III. The new Pope immediately sent to Charlemagne the keys of the Confession of St. Peter and the standard of the city of Rome. In return, Charlemagne sent Leo a warm letter of regard and much treasure which enabled Leo to be a great benefactor to the churches and charitable institutions of Rome.
Sadly, the new Pope Leo was bitterly hated by many relatives of his predecessor Pope Adrian. On April 25th, 799, during the Procession of the Greater Litanies, the Pope was attacked by a body of armed men. They seized him, flung him to the ground, and tried to mutilate him by pulling out his tongue and gouging out his eyes. Panic ensued. People fled away. Leo was left unconscious and bleeding on the street for some time. At night he was rescued and hidden in a monastery. In a miraculous manner he recovered the full use of his tongue and eyes. He then escaped from the city and went to seek Charlemagne, who was in Paderborn, Germany. The King received him there with the greatest honor.
Charlemagne vindicated Pope Leo (whom the Church now honors as Pope St. Leo III). He had the Pope escorted back to Rome and re-installed, to the joy of the people and to the terror of his false accusers.
The next year (800 A.D.) Charlemagne himself came to Rome. On Christmas Day, at St. Peter’s, after the Gospel had been sung, Pope Leo approached Charlemagne, who was kneeling before the Confession of St. Peter, and placed the imperial crown upon his head. Then he did him the formal reverence after the manner of ancient Rome and saluted Charlemagne as both Emperor and Augustus. Finally he anointed him. The Roman people in the assembly burst into acclaim, three-times repeating: To Charles, the most pious Augustus, crowned by God, to our great and pacific Emperor, life and victory!”
By this act on Christmas Day 800 A.D. the Roman Empire in the West was revived. Leo, Successor to Peter and Roman Pontiff, had declared that the whole world was now subject to one temporal head as Christ had made the world subject to one spiritual head. And the first duty of Carolus Augustus, the new Roman Emperor, was to be the faithful protector of Holy Roman Church and of Christendom itself against the heathen aggressor.
Mary Immaculate of Lourdes is Newton and Needham Massachusetts' oldest Roman Catholic Parish. Founded as Saint Mary Parish in 1870, it was renamed "Mary Immaculate of Lourdes" when the new Church was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, 1910. In addition to being a regular territorial parish of the Archdiocese of Boston it is also a "Mission Parish" since 2007 with a special apostolate for the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal).
Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church
270 Elliot Street
Newton, MA 02464
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