I want to express my thanks to all those who submitted a Synod Response as requested by our Regional Bishop, His Excellency Robert Reed. The large packet with all of the responses from Mary Immaculate of Lourdes was hand-delivered to Bishop Reed’s rectory this past week.
We received a variety of responses from both the Novus Ordo and the Latin Mass communities. Some were direct and brief: others wrote at length. The age-range of the respondents was from 18-years to 80+.
In organizing the responses to send to Bishop Reed it was most edifying to me to read them. There was nothing formulaic about them. They were your own personal testimonies, sometimes accompanied by details of your own personal histories and faith-journeys.
If I were to try to characterize them in a general way I would say two things:
One, how completely these thoughtful responses put to shame the negative-stereotyping and caricaturing of Catholic lay-faithful who find spiritual fulfillment in the traditional liturgy of the Church.
And two, what comes through in the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds, whether attending the Novus Ordo Mass or the Traditional Latin Mass, is your encounter with Christ, and particularly Christ in the Eucharist. By your own testimonies, that is why you are here, and what brings you to Mass. It is no vague “sense of mystery” nor a desire to find emotional security in “old things”.
Your testimonies manifest to me as your Pastor that I am dealing with a lay-faithful who are educated, informed, understand the content of their Catholic faith, and are sticking with the Church in spite of all the scandals and all the disorders and disappointments because, in the words of the Greek pilgrims who approach the Apostle Philip in the Jewish Temple on Palm Sunday: “Sir, we would see Jesus.” (John 12:21b) In fact, your collective response gives evidence of the kind of well-formed Catholic laity that Vatican II was calling for.
As we mark the 1st Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Motu Propio Traditiones Custodes
I feel anew the weight of the injustice and the pastoral violence directed against faithful Catholics whose Christian lives find nurture in the traditional liturgy of the Church. In the words of St. Augustine, “Let charity glow for correction!”
Here in the Archdiocese of Boston we have a truly pastoral Bishop and father in Cardinal Seán, who—in a best case
scenario in light of the 2021 Motu Propio—has judged that there will be no changes in the pastoral practices regarding the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass within his ordinary jurisdiction.
Let us persevere in the ways of faith and pray that we may continue to live our religious lives untroubled by the kind of controversies which are roiling at the top of Church governance.
Your dignified and thoughtful Synod Responses deserve to be respected and heard by the ecclesiastical powers that be. As your Pastor I will certainly do my part to ensure that they are. Thank you!